Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Knights in shining foil

"Ever notice how 'What the hell' is always the right answer?" - Marilyn Monroe

And so the story goes, boy meets girl, boy is normal, they fall in love and live happily ever after.  Well, this may have been the case in 1952, but in 2011 the male ego can not allow for normalcy in any sort of romantic behavior.  Apparently.  I never thought it'd be this difficult to date and get to know someone.  Perhaps men these days believe that if you start "dating," as in calling someone your girlfriend, it automatically has to be so serious, thus resulting in marriage and babies... tomorrow.  God forbid you get to know someone before making that decision.  Naturally, there would be some wining and dining involved in this process.

Lately, the story goes more along the lines of boy meets girl, girl is smitten and falls down, gashing her knee, boy tries unsuccessfully to stay the night (I am classy), boy disappears off the earth.  My only guess is that he has passed away, may he rest in peace.  His memory will live on in the scar on my leg.  I should really look up where to send condolence flowers.  "I'm sorry for your loss.... Me."  Seriously, "What the hell!"

To say that I am frustrated would be an understatement.  I guess since college, my attempts to have any
relationship where I can actually relax and feel comfortable have failed miserably.  Over and over, I seem to be fooled into thinking that the men I am attracted to are somewhat sane, and then out of the blue I seem to be dating Houdini, magician and escapologist.  Some say that he died from a ruptured appendix, others (me) believe that he passed away by disappearing way too many times.  So beware men, rumor has it that disappearing may be fatal, so think about that next time and just be normal for once.  I'm starting to think I am a weird/emotionally unavailable dude magnent.  Where did that gene come from, and how do I get rid of it?

We are a generation raised with the idea that the relationships in Sex and the City are completely healthy.  Carrie got her Mr. Big in the end.  Why can't we?  He turned out to be an alright guy and loved her; an alright guy who broke her heart not once, but twice, marries another woman, makes her the "other woman" and then leaves her at the alter.  I guess its hard to tell if she's settling or if he's actually just that charming.  And lets face it, Mr. Big is pretty damn charming, so who knows.  But either way, she got her knight in shining armor.

However, despite knowing that Carrie Bradshaw and Big are fictional and learning from the painful lessons in heartbreak that are doled out on a regular basis, why is it that women still find themselves falling asleep or waking up thinking about the one person who is ALL wrong for them?  Its interesting to see that even when men treat us badly, we think/hope they will come around eventually.  I suppose I should keep reminding myself that Peter Pan doesn't grow up at the end of the story, houdini died and sometimes the ones we think are our knights in shining armor turn out to be just idiots wrapped up in tin foil.  But until someone comes around that doesn't look like a leftover in my fridge, I will keep entertaining my friends with my dating adventures... dateventures... datures? Boom.

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